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Checks whether the provided value is even.

Sample Usage​





  • value - The value to be verified as even.
    • ISEVEN returns TRUE if value is an even integer or a reference to a cell containing an even integer, and FALSE otherwise.


  • This function is most often used in conjunction with IF in conditional statements.

See Also​

ISTEXT: Checks whether a value is text.

ISREF: Checks whether a value is a valid cell reference.

ISODD: Checks whether the provided value is odd.

ISNUMBER: Checks whether a value is a number.

ISNONTEXT: Checks whether a value is non-textual.

ISNA: Checks whether a value is the error `#N/A`.

ISLOGICAL: Checks whether a value is `TRUE` or `FALSE`.

ISERROR: Checks whether a value is an error.

ISERR: Checks whether a value is an error other than `#N/A`.

ISBLANK: Checks whether the referenced cell is empty.

IF: Returns one value if a logical expression is `TRUE` and another if it is `FALSE`.
